With electrical installations as with many things, we tend to overlook the little things, but the little things are important too. Making sure that you have carried out your Electrical Installation Conditions Report EICR is vitally important, but so is making sure that the plug is wired correctly. Electrics have the potential to be dangerous, even deadly. Ensuring that your equipment is safe isn’t simply a matter of ticking off boxes, it has a real and genuine implication.
A quote from the HSE website: “Even wiring a plug incorrectly can have serious consequences. You must ensure that your electrical installation and equipment is safe. Don’t cut corners – electrical installations must be installed by someone who has the necessary training, skills and experience to carry out the work safely.” The temptation to do-it-yourself to save the electrician’s bill must be resisted, the price you could pay for making a mistake is far greater than the cost of any bill.
In the workplace you are governed by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, which lay out the requirement for the workplace, and the duty of care towards employees. In the event of an accident in the workplace, your health and safety provision will be looked over and scrutinised thoroughly. You will need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you acted lawfully. It is vitally important that you keep up-to-date records of the steps and actions that you have taken to ensure that you have safeguarded your employees.
Having an up-to-date EICR will prove that you have fulfilled your legal obligation, and at Black Pear Electrical we always keep a copy of your EICR, so that should you mislay yours and need to produce it as evidence, you will be able to do so. Certain businesses and buildings require an EICR more frequently than the commonly known 5 years, please contact us to check if you are unsure about the required timing of your EICR.
If you are in any doubt over the safety of your electrical installations, please contact a qualified professional today. Accidents can happen in a flash. All our electricians are qualified, competent and professional. Don’t leave your safety to chance. For friendly helpful advice from our excellent team, including advice on EICRs and their timescales please call Black Pear Electrical today on 01905 700490