EICRs save lives. They ensure that the buildings we use are safe. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 were introduced to improve working environments and reduce accidents. It’s easy to regard the endless requirements of running a business simply as a series of tick box exercises and forget that the real objective behind them is to keep everyone safe.
An EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) is usually required every 5 years, but certain industries require testing to be carried out more frequently. If you are unsure of the requirements of your industry, please contact our office for advice. The important thing to remember about this timing is that this is the maximum length of time that you can allow between tests.
There is sign on the roads which says: “Remember it’s a speed limit, not a target.” Your EICR could have the same sign. Just because the legal interval between testing is five years, doesn’t mean that that is the target. If you have any concerns about your electrical installations then get a qualified, competent electrician to come out and have a look. Don’t wait till your next EICR is due.
Firstly, if there is an incident and you haven’t acted on your suspicions you would always regret not checking. Secondly, issues that are picked up early on tend to be easier and cheaper to fix, if left untouched, they have the potential to escalate into more complex and expensive to resolve scenarios. So, if you have any doubts about the safety of your electrical installations please call an electrician immediately.
If you would like to book an EICR, or simply book an electrician to come and check your electrical installations, please contact Black Pear Electrical. Our team of electricians and support staff are professional, competent and qualified. We understand the complexities of running a business and will work around the challenges of your specific business to ensure that the disruption to your day-to-day operation is kept to a minimum. With a Black Pear Electrical EICR we will always keep a copy of your report, so should you mislay yours, you don’t have to worry. We will always advise on any work that needs to be carried out and will work with you to schedule any necessary works to be carried out at a convenient time for you. Call us today on 01905 700 490