The Government recently introduced legislative requirements for Landlords in the Private Rented Sector in England, which requires Landlords to have electrical safety checks carried out on their properties.
As of the 1st July 2020 all new specified tenancies require an electrical safety check to be in place.
From 1st April 2021 all existing specified tenancies will require an electrical safety check to be in place.
In short this means an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) must be carried out every 5 years and any necessary actions highlighted must be carried out to return a SATISFACTORY result.
You can find out more about EICRs here
Properties managed by reputable lettings agents will understand the new legislation and ensure all landlords take the necessary. However, there are many properties not managed through letting agents, most landlords and tenants know that you need to have your gas checked but may not necessarily be aware of the new electrical requirements.
Landlords must also ensure they select an appropriately qualified and registered electrician to carry out inspections. For instance, many registered domestic installer schemes do not cover Electrical Installation Condition Reporting. Competent contractors can be found using a checklist covered in the MHCLG (Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government) Guidance or by using a contractor listed on the the Private Rented Sector (PRS) register
Black Pear Electrical are on both PRS scheme register are also NICEIC approved contractors. We undertake more than a thousand domestic inspections per year in both private and public sectors.
When you book your EICR with Black Pear Electrical, you can be assured that your property will be looked after by an experienced and qualified electrician. We bring our knowledge and professionalism to all work that we undertake, ensuring that we always exceed expectations. Whether you need a single EICR for one rental property or would like us to look after your entire property portfolio we will apply the same amount of diligence and care to your properties.
What you need to do:
Check you records, do you have a Satisfactory and in date EICR in place for each of your rental properties. Phone us on 01905 700 490 to book in or if you have any questions.