OZEV have recently launched another grant to assist with the cost of installing EV Chargers in the workplace, but unlike the Workplace Charge Scheme (WCS) and the EV Chargepoint grant this grant helps not only with the cost of the charger but also with the cost of any infrastructure that is needed.
The EV infrastructure grant is for SMEs who want to prepare for or install EV Chargers for the sole use of their staff and fleets and for Landlords of residential carparks. It covers the costs of installing the infrastructure needed for charge points to operate and for changepoints to be installed either immediately or at a future date.
It is certainly worth noting that you can apply for BOTH relevant grants – so if you were a SME you can apply for the EV Infrastructure Grant but if that does not cover all the EV Chargers you require you can then also apply for the WCS as long as it is for different points.
As with the other OZEV grants it can seem a bit daunting to work out the who, where, when and what – but we hope this summary on the key points helps, but please do feel free to give us a call on 01905 700 490 or email info@blackpearev.co.uk or visit our sister website Black Pear EV for further information.
This grant is for:
Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who wish to install the infrastructure for the installation of EV charge points for the use of their employees of fleet in their company car park. The chargers do not necessarily need to be installed at the same time as the infrastructure. For the purpose of this grant an SME is defined as:
- Having 249 employees or less
- Being registered at Companies House and/or VAT registered
- Have received – or have currently pending at the time of application – less than €200,000 of public support in the past 3 financial years and satisfy the state aid requirements for de minimis aid.
Landlords that must be registered at Companies House and/or vat registered. The grant covers the installation of the infrastructure and the charge point for the sole use of the landlord tenants in the residential carpark. The term ‘landlord’ for the purpose of this grant encompasses:
- Landlord of a property that lets the property
- Right to manage (RTM) company
- Residents’ management company (RMC)
- Companies owning the freehold of a leased or rented property
- Companies owning a building’s common areas (the company may comprise shareholders who are the leaseholders, the company may also manage the building)
- Property listed on the property factor register
- Private registered providers of social housing (PRP)
- Housing associations
- Public authorities
- Charities
The grant cap
- Each grant application can be for up to a maximum of £15,000 and can not be more that 75% of the total cost of the installation and charge points. If more charge points are needed in addition to those provided by this grant, then the Workplace Charging Scheme may be used.
- SME’s can claim up to £500 for the infrastructure and up to £350 for the the changepoint per car parking space (a minimum of 5 car parking spaces must be allocated to EV charging) and be in a private carpark)
- A SME can receive up to 5 grants in total. Each grant must be for a different site that the business owns, leases or rents.
- The EV infrastructure grant for residential car parks covers the costs of installing the infrastructure needed for chargepoints to operate and for future chargepoints to be installed
- Each grant can be to a maximum to £30,000 (a minimum of 5 car parking spaces must be allocated to EV charging and in a carpark specifically for the use of the residents of the property)
- 1 grant per building but a landlord can claim up to 30 grants in one financial year
- If more charge points are required a Landlord can apply for the EV chargepoint grant as well.
Apply for and claiming the EV infrastructure grant?
The process in essence is the same both for SMEs and landlords:
- You must register with DVLA using the EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleets registration form or EV infrastructure grant for residential car parks registration form.
- All work must be undertaken at a specific site with an OZEV approved installer such as Black Pear Electrical
- Once work is complete, your approved installer will apply for the grant on your behalf.
For more details or to discuss you EV Charger needs please get in touch; visit www.blackpearev.co.uk phone 01905 700 490 or email info@blackpearev.co.uk