Insurance is an essential part of today’s businesses. In our increasingly litigious society it is probably more important than ever to protect yourself. Insurance cannot prevent disasters happening, but it can limit the long-term effects of that incident. You can probably source bargain off the shelf insurance which may appear to be cheaper, but how would you cope if something happened to your business? However, why not spend some time talking to an insurance professional who will ensure that your insurance has been tailormade to fit your business. All businesses are different and the cover that they require varies hugely. With a personal service you can pick and choose the elements that you require to make sure that you are fully covered. Peace of mind in knowing you are protected allows you to get on with making your business a success.
Having correctly documented testing carried out on your electrical installations and emergency lighting is important for your insurance. In many cases not having this proof of compliance can invalidate your insurance. Some insurance companies may insist on seeing your paperwork in the event of a claim. If you have your EICR (Electrical Installations Condition Report) carried out by Black Pear Electrical, they will keep a copy of your certificate on file, so that should your copy be damaged, you will still be able to produce the necessary evidence.
Proving that you are looking after your property by carrying out regular safety checks and scheduled maintenance will be beneficial in the eyes of your insurance broker. Insurance is calculated on a basis of risk, so the higher premiums are attached to the riskier propositions. Think of cars. It is not simply the speed that the car will go, but the tendency of the people who drive that car to crash them that affects the premium. When you speak to the commercial insurance team at JPM Insurance they will be looking for your risk factor. Up-to-date, correctly documented safety checks will reduce your risk factor giving you access to better deals on your insurance.
If you are looking to insure your property or business, make sure you do everything to make yourself a low risk. For advice on how to reduce your premiums please contact JPM Insurance by calling Andy Bullingham on 0121 270 4800. To book your EICR to safeguard your property, fulfil your legal obligations and to ensure that you do not invalidate your insurance, call Black Pear Electrical on 01905 700 490