Emergency Lighting is used to ensure the occupants of a building will be free from harm when there is a power loss. A loss of mains power is usually from a power cut or fire. Lighting needs to be available for the safe evacuation of the building in these circumstances. It should also be there to help any emergency services going into the building to do their job.
Whether you’re entering an office, retail shop, cinema, restaurant or any commercial setting, you’re bound to have noticed the very visible and obvious emergency lighting systems in place around the exits of that building. Emergency lighting fixtures are ever-present in public and business buildings throughout the country, so widespread that we often forget they are there at all – until the moment we need them.
It is a statutory requirement, as part of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, that all businesses must have emergency lighting and legally, they must to be tested monthly, with a full test being carried out once per year. This is to ensure all corridors, emergency exits and routes are illuminated and can be easily navigated in the event of an emergency.
What key types of emergency lights are there?
There are two key types of emergency lighting: maintained and non-maintained.
Maintained emergency lights stay on constantly at all times and stay lit for the minimum emergency duration (usually 3 hours) after a mains failure. Maintained emergency escape lights are used in places of assembly like theatres, cinemas, entertainment halls but also shopping centres and similar venues. They allow the public to familiarise themselves with emergency routes and have the advantage that any failure of the emergency lighting bulbs can be spotted immediately.
A non-maintained emergency light will only light up in the event of a mains power failure and will also stay lit for the minimum emergency duration required. Non-maintained emergency lights are likely to be found in offices, shops and factories.
As NICEIC approved electrical contractors, you can count on Black Pear Electrical to do a professional job that meets current legislative health and safety requirements.
How we would carry out your emergency lighting installation:
- Test your emergency lights, checking the condition of the lighting, changing the battery if needed or charging the battery.
- We will make sure to add the testing date to your internal testing logbooks.
- We will inform you of any deficiencies found in the lighting and recommend solutions going forward.
- We can provide you with an immediate quote for any work needed for the lighting using our lighting expertise.
- We are able to train your employees on checking the lighting regularly and conducting monthly tests themselves.
- And finally, we can provide your business with an emergency lighting certificate to ensure your lighting complies with regulations.
If you’re in need of emergency light installation or maintenance, do not hesitate to contact us on 01905 700490 or email us info@blackpearelectrical.co.uk